Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Playdate with my little guy

A couple of weekends ago my mom came over to watch Tatum so Talan and I could go play at the park. It was a much needed day and I am so greatful that we had that time together. I have felt so guilty not being able to just get up and go like we use to but sister is still too little to get out so these days its all about planning and asking for help which I am not good at the asking for help part but I am trying to get better at that. Anyway, Talan and I had a great time when we got there, there were 2 parties setting up so he thought we were going to a bday party and went up to one of the pavilons and starting singing Happy Bday which was so cute. The ladies setting up thought so too and were so sweet to give him a balloon which he loved!!! We also saw this hawk which I thought at any time was going to get us but he just sat there and let us watch him which Talan loved as well. The best part of the day was when we were swinging and he was just laughing and said mommy this fun, love you which made me melt. So thanks BEBE for helping so I could have some much needed one on one time with my little man.
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1 comment:

Dan & Danica said...

Why is your blog making me cry?