Here we are awaiting the arrival of our sweet baby girl. Dr. Stone wanted to induce me due to her getting to big so here we are. I had a lot of nerves/emotions about the whole thing and needless to say it was all over nothing cause it all worked out just fine and I couldn't have asked for an easier delivery. They started the potosain (sorry about the spelling) around 7:30 and within 30 minutes I had moved to 3 cent. and 50% aface and then at 12:50 she was here. Thanks to my wonderful husband and wonderful nurse Teri it all happened very easy and if my stinker doctor would have gotten there a little sooner she would have been here earlier but that is ok we love you anyway Dr. Stone.

And here she is.. a whopping 8lbs, glad we didn't wait another week!! Considering Talan was only 6lbs 8in this was a lot bigger for me but thats ok cause she is healthy and beautiful which all we could ask for. It really is a truly amazing experience bringing a new life into the world. We can't thank God enough for her and for Talan we are truly blessed and just hope and pray we do good as parents making this a wonderful world for them to live in.