Sunday, September 30, 2007
Watching Daddy Work
Monday, September 24, 2007
New Hat + New Outfit = One Cute Kid
On Saturday we celebrated Harrison's 5th Birthday at Froggy's in Hayden. We had so much fun but I think Uncle Matthew forgot that he was a grown up and had to come out of the slide area cause he was a little to wild. Talan was a little confused by it all but enjoyed watching all the kids move around so fast. He was so glad when Madalyn got there he had someone his size to play with I know it won't be long and we will be trying to keep up with them two. We love you Harrison and hope you had a wonderful birthday!!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Wow, what a crazy busy week we have had!! It started w/ me getting back from a nice relaxing trip to the beach and then wham the real world hit. I had to start jury duty on Tuesday, had a clothing show that night, Matthew got really really sick Wed moring and scared me to death thankfully he is ok it ended up being a severe mirgane now we have meds and pray that this is not going to be a new thing. Talans doc appointment on Thursday, fall festivial on Sat and Harrisons 5th birthday party Sat afternoon. So needless to say I have lots of pics however had not had time to post so forgive me for playing catch up but there some really cute ones so I have to share. We hope all of you have had a great week and look forward to catching up with everyone. By the way Talan does have a diaper on this was in between outfit changes on Sat and I think he was just happy to be naked for a little while.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Today was Talan's 9 m0nth check up and he did soo good!! He is now a whopping 23 1/2 lbs and 27 inches long. Dr. Hardwick says we have one healthy little boy and is happy to see how good he is doing. We can start table food now if we are ready so I guess we will be starting to try new things, its exciting but scary at the same time. I got so sad today when we had to make his 12 month appointment for next time we go, its so hard to believe our little baby will be a year soon time really flies by so fast!!
Monday, September 17, 2007
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18TH from 4-8pm. I know this is a little last minute however that is what I do these days everything last minute. Anyway if you are interested in coming let me know. The clothes are so cute (even cutier in person) and quite reasonable. Hope to see you there. Click on the link for your invitation.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
I snuck away with my girlfriends on a much needed beach trip. I really didn't think I would make it 3 nights away but I did and even though I missed my boys tremendously I am so glad I went. It was nice to have NO schedule and to get some much needed rest so now I can be a better mommy and wife for my boys. I will post more pictures when I get them all together but for now I've got to get back in our groove.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Notice the red patch on his forehead yes another boo boo and lets just say it was almost a bad situation luckily my reflexes were really quick. Thank you Lord!!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
To the Doctor we go...
This week has been a little hectic I would say. It started off with Talan running a little fever 100.8 which is the highest he has had so it was big for us, figuring it was due to teething I wasn't to worried until once in the bath I noticed a rash forming all up his back. So with me having some experience with kids I figured we would just watch and see if it spread. It went away but came back and did this until Tuesday. So I called the doctor and since he didn't have any other symptons and no more fever they wanted us to watch it one more day. Well it was still there today so off to see Dr. Hardwick we went. And of course he said he was fine and more than likely it was due to the fever and that may be how his body reacts to fevers. So thankfully he is just fine and as you can see he feels just as spunky as always and has enjoyed helping daddy the last 2 days at the hardware store so mommy could get a few hours in at work herself. What a week and its not even over yet.

Saturday, September 1, 2007
We started off the season hanging out at home to watch the game and we had such a fun time!! Talan thought we were crazy we would high five after a touch down but after the first few he got the hang of it and was all giggly when it was time to do it again. Excuse the way we or I look but it was clean house day and this was a good as it was going to get.
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