Thursday, May 28, 2009

My How Time Flies...

Here is Tatum at 5 weeks, I almost forgot to take her pics and already had her dressed so I decided to go with an Alabama theme this time. I tried to get the same look each week but I don't think I have been doing to well. Oh well her daddy liked it, she just needed a little red bow and it would have been perfect. Bows are something I am going to have to get better with!!!

Here is sweet girl at 4 weeks. Her belly looks so big in these pics. She is definitly much longer than her brother at this stage and is already out of most newborn clothes and we moved out of the newborn diapers as well. She is still so tiny to me though but I know shes growing she just has skinny little limbs.
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Creative Little Mind

Talan as most of you know loves his trains!! Well he has really gotten creative with them here lately and it has been so neat to watch what he comes up with. Here he was reading his Thomas book about going to the circus to his elephant when he was done he ask me to help him build a track with animals. Then he went and got his animals from his ark and built this track and carefully placed the animals around so all his trains could go to the circus. We had so much fun and it kept him entertained for a good while. He amazes me everyday with want he can do, it makes me wish I could record every minute of it so I never forget.
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Tatum's Aunt Jinni gave her this little piggy lovey in the hospital and she loves it. Here she is snuggling up with it going night night.
Thank you Aunt Jinni for my lovey!!!
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What a hard life!!

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Pretty Blue Eyes

So far little Miss Tatum has these really big pretty blue eyes. We hope they will stay that way but you never know. Here she is being very alert and just a talking to us. In the pics where her mouth is open she is cooing and grunting very loudly I wish you can hear her cause it is so sweet. For the most part she is a very happy little girl but she does like to be held and yells at you if don't respond fast enough to her. I do believe we have a little diva on our hands.
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Friday, May 22, 2009

My Sweet, Sweet Boy

This is a really sweet little boy and I love him so much!!! We have had our moments here and there but all in all he has done so good with all the changes and plus just being a 2 year old is hard enough!!

Miss Prissy

I found this precious hat for Miss Tatum for the summer and had to try it on her but this was the response I got so I think she's not sure what to think or she really just didn't want to messed with but it is still cute.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Happy Belated Mother's Day to all you wonderful Mommies!!!
I know I count my blessings everyday for my beautiful angels and my wonderful and loving hubby!! I got beautiful flowers sent to me early Sat morning which was a wonderful way to start an already hectic day and a gift cert. to go to the spa which I am very excited about!!! Even though right now I fill like most days I am a milk machine I wouldn't change a thing and love love being a mommy!!! Thanks to my mom for all you do for me and to my sister I love you guys to pieces and couldn't make it with out ya!!!
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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Talan and his Sister

We haven't really pushed him to hold her and thought when he was ready he would ask us well he did and we were curious to see how long it lasted and as you can see in the pics it didn't last that long. As soon as we put her in his arms he let go and said I don't like that her heavy. Poor sister she was a trooper.

I think he perfers her to be laying down and we do too. He got in the floor with her and was just a talking to her which was so sweet especially when he grabbed her little hand and started giving her kisses. He is such a sweet brother, we just hope the love continues.
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Daddy and his Babies

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To Big for His Pritches...

Matthew was being silly the other night and put Talans man panties that he had as a baby on him. Talan was like what is this and was trying his best to get them off. I do believe he has out grown them but of course I wanted to bring up some old pics to show how cute that little hiny is even if it has grown.
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Wednesday, May 13, 2009


What do you think do they look alike or what?? Tatum is a little thicker in the face than Talan but he was a lot smaller than her. I know its not the best pic of Tatum but it was the only one with them both in the same position. I can't believe my little guy was that little time really does fly by.
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Talan is doing so good being a big brother. He is still a little confused why she can't talk to him and play with him just yet. So I tried my best to explain that even though she couldn't talk to him just yet she could watch him. So I set her up so that he could show her his trains and how they go round and round on the tracks. I think she was impressed and he had fun showing her.
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This was back during the first week at home with them all at home with me by myself. I had them all asleep at the same time even the cat and thought it was so cute how they ended up.
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2 week Doctors visit

We had her first doctors appointment on the 30th of April and it went very well. I was a little nervous hoping that her weight was ok due to me nursing I was hoping I was giving her enough. She had dropped down to 7lbs 13 oz when we left the hospital and now she was back up to her birth weight with a little extra 8lbs 5 oz and she is 21 inches long which I was so relieved by. Dr. Hardwick said everything looked great and she was perfect which made this momma very happy. Next time will not be so fun its when all the shots begin which I am not looking forward too but gotta do.
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2 weeks old

Here is sweet girl at 2 weeks. She is doing great and life is getting a little bit more normal for the time being.
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1 week old

Here is Tatum at one week. She looks so different just in one week. She was so swollen at first and everyone thought she was so big but she really isn't she is really long and skinny and moves around a lot just like she did in the womb. We are hoping she will keep those big blue eyes and are curious if her hair will stay blonde. I guess time will tell.
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Monday, May 4, 2009

Sweet Baby Girl

Hello everyone, sorry it has been so long since I have updated however I have been experiencing some major computer issues with my blogger account. And I cannot figure it out plus my mind goes mental after trying to for so long. Everything has been going great at home we are all getting adjusted to a new routine and so far so good. Talan loves his sister still and the only issues so far is that he wakes up around 4 am when sister does and wants to go outside and play. Tatum is so sweet all she does is eats, sleeps and poops and does that very well!! As far as mommy and daddy we are doing pretty good as well just a little sleep deprived at times but that is ok. I have lots of pictures to share and hope to get those up soon. I can't believe we are going into our 3rd week already so I have lots to catch up on. Hope everyone is doing well and hopefully we will be up and running soon.