Tuesday, August 21, 2007


This was too cute not to share. Talan has figured out if you push the little purple button a cat meows and if you shut the door a dog barks. So he keeps his little thumb on the button constantly well next thing I knew our cat who does not get close to Talan was behind him trying to figure out where that other cat was Tiny (our cat) was so confused. However once Talan realized Tiny was behind him Tiny took off but Talan kept on pushing the button. Our poor cat his cushioned little life is slowly getting turned upside down.
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1 comment:

Stanley Family said...

Talan is so cute and I can't believe he is already 8 months. Has it really been that long since we went to eat at Stix? I remember you saying he was only 6 weeks then. Don't you wish we could just stop the clock sometimes?