Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Last Thursday Matthew,Talan & I along with our good friends Rebekah,Todd & Noah headed to Tishomingo State Park where Rebekah,Todd and I grew up together going to camp with our church Fairfield Highlands. This was going to be our pastor Bro. Buck's last time to go to the camp due to his health and his age. So we loaded the families up and went on a long but rewarding day trip. I wanted Matthew to see and experience a little part of my history growing up and see where I had been talking about for all these years. If anyone has experienced church camp it is definitely something hard for others to understand if they had never been especially with our group. When we finally got there I had a wonderful feeling of home, even though things looked a lot smaller than I remembered nothing had really changed. As soon as we got there it seemed like we hit the ground running trying to keep up with all the activities that were going on we started out at the creek, went over the big and very wobbly bridge and then from there it just kept going and going. The best part was getting to see Bro. Buck and having him see our son, he started Matthew and I out on our journey of husband and wife and for him to see where we are now and being there for his last camp was a very rewarding moment for us. If anyone knows him you know what I am talking about, he just makes you feel good! So I have a lot of pictures to share some not so pretty as others due to teary eyes and the bonfire glow but ones that are very special to me. Hope you enjoy.
SURPRISE!! FINALLY WE GET TO SEE THE MAN OF THE DAY!! After going to the creek we finally met up with Bro. Buck and it was so great to see him and the smile on his face when he saw all of us. He just made a fuss all over Talan and just took him and told me he would see me later and Talan just went right with him. We all sat and talked and got caught up with each other and went down memory lane retelling old stories of days at Camp. Now looking back we really had so much fun and made so many wonderful memories and how I hope and pray that our kids will have the same growing up.

This was Talan's first time in a swimming pool and he LOVED it!! He was like a little fish and would have jumped out of my arms if I would let him.

FUN times in the pool!! Now the picture on top on the right shows that Todd can definitly support his family. Next to him is Randy Harwell and Paige's oldest girl Lexi (a Paige look a like its crazy!!)

This is Bro. Bucks last campfire that he will be attending due to his health and I am very thankful that we were able to be there. It was a sad time and the tears were flowing however it was also a wonderful place to be.
Their is just something that makes everything ok when Bro. Buck prays for your family, a very special moment for both of our families.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
My sister is one who knows how to lotion a baby!! She had so much fun reliving those fun days of lotioning her kids, Talan has never been so slick but him sure smelt good!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Today was such a better day for Talan and he had such a fun day a school so I decided he deserved a little treat so we tried a ice cream sandwich and I do believe he would have inhaled the whole thing if I would have let him!!! Its so good to see that sweet smile!!
Moms night out with the kids
These two were so sweet to each other they kept feeding each other and just laughing it was so cute!!
Last night I went to dinner with Lindsey & Andrew, Julie & Collin, Karen & Anna Kate & Joy & Reagan, unfortunately my little guy had to stay at home with daddy due to him not feeling so great, it was so sad him not being there but it was best for him to get some much needed rest. Anyway we don't really know what we were thinking going to a restaurant but surprisingly they all did really well and we moms actually got to talk. It was so nice us all getting together and playing catch up with all our lives. Its crazy how big all the kids have gotten and even wilder knowing Talan will be right there with them soon.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Poor little guy after such a fun day at the park who knew his night would be so rough. He woke up just a crying his little mouth is hurting so bad and he just did not understand what was going on. Luckily we called Aunt Lissa to see what else we could do for him she suggested Motrin so Daddy went to get some and that seemed to help at least he was able to sleep better. Its so sad them being so sad and there's really not much you can do for them. For all the little people teething out there we are so sorry and hope it gets better soon for you.
On Wednesday afternoon we went to the park to play for a little while and had so much fun!! He loves the swing and thinks the slides are pretty cool too!!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Sunday, July 15, 2007
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