We hope everyone had a wonderful valentines!! Talan got a special heart shaped doughnut from Krispy Kreme and as you can see was very happy about it. He loves some Krispy Kreme!!! And his special prize was Berdie the Bus from Thomas which he was so excited about. You would of thought it was gold!! We had a nice day at home and then his Pop Pop and Me Maw watched him so Matthew and I could go to dinner. However due to the over popluar demand at all the restaurants we changed our plan s a little but really enjoyed our night out. (you can tell we hadn't gone out on a holiday night in a while and now we see why) So, we visited our friends RJ and Jennifer and then picked up Mexican on our way in and had dinner at home.
And yes I promise Talan has more jammies it just seems like these are always the ones he has on when I get out the camera.