Sunday, October 26, 2008
1st Time at Build A Bear

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Very creative I have to say!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Mommy's Little Helper...

Thursday, October 2, 2008
Hello everyone, sorry I have been a very bad blogger here lately however the Turner family has been very very busy and we have also have had some computer difficulities which has made it hard to blog. Just to catch you all up a little on our lives. Our sweet new baby is doing wonderful and growing like a weed. The only thing is that that sweet baby is making the momma very very sick so needless to say if we get through a day without vomitting or a headache its a big thing. But its all worth it!!!! Talan is doing great he is learning his Spanish and getting bigger and bigger everyday and amazes us in the things he can do and say. He is also not understanding way his momma is not like she used to be so he gets a little upset with me and definitly tests mine and his limits. Now my poor sweet husband is the one who deserves hubby/daddy of the year is taking care of us, dealing with his crazy hormonal wife and the biggest thing of all moving our Hardware store. Yes, the Hardware store is moving, still in Pleasant Grove but in a different location. It will now be in the front of the Grove behind the old citgo gas station (aka Metro mart). This all has happened really fast (within the last 2 weeks) but we hope and pray that it will be a good thing and hopefully bring in more customers. So its has been a little hectic in our lives but it has been an experience needless to say and in a few weeks I will be through with my 1st trimester and the store will hopefully be all in ordered and things will hopefully get back to semi-normal. So we hope all of you are doing wonderful and life is treating you all well. Thanks for your prayers and we ask for them to keep coming. Have a wonderful day and we'll be talking with you soon.
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